202 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games
Pages:   123456789»»»   (11 in total)
#CreatedBoard ThumbnailGame NameBoard NameOptionsPlayersTurn TimerCurrent TurnStatus
12012-04-07 10:40A&A choose your colors Axes and Allies
(3. Player Seat Choice)
3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None SimulGearSillyBastardneilalwayswinschessdanKillDawgmbrennanTerminated
22012-01-23 12:41Glutton for punishment! Invention
2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Heavy Fog SinbadRed1chessdanMongoSillyBastardJohnny UtahshelbocivilmurphFinished
32012-01-24 10:47Mapa Mundi World War 2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None MountainMamaSaiyanMineThe ChairmanTom BombadilDjembezdisabled_a7d9cf9eLt Bom TowersbmindComrade Colonelthe regulatorchessdanFinished
42012-02-27 13:431560Euro Europe 1560
3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None chessdanMichkovmorethanmachinephelbasjcturner5GeneralissimoGrayballsLevowskycommander77MineDjembeajs1321Finished
52012-05-08 01:14The ONE World War 2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None IRsmartJusticeBOOBcol crackermzungu2006RmillsFeckless McPooFnutzrenjasongill0353PerkisPower8civilmurphhaysmike3333JimmychessdanAKeeFaThe Fourth ReichFinished
62012-06-22 10:33LoD Lord Of Destruction 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Medium Fog SillyBastardRed1mzungu2006BarbaDavidny212chessdantimsterJah QuelinePocahauntedpsilofyrZeeZeeAduseFinished
72012-01-24 15:53Civil war 12 Civil War 2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None LuieuilSillyBastardcap108GrayballsTom BombadilTerribleThunderLizardsts8801KancercakesSwarmbillchessdanthe regulatorThe Fourth ReichFinished
82012-01-24 19:393:3:3 Civil War 2 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None NoahTheArkTom Bombadilthe regulatorKrocKjcturner5cap108chessdanKlipanGreenPowerFinished
92012-01-24 21:45A&A Axes and Allies
(5. Free-for-All [Choice])
3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None SimulGearSillyBastardchessdanRangyCoyoteMr PinkFinished
102012-02-21 10:41this land is my land (2 try) [R1G14] Europe 1560Tournament game 2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None ChefedgarchessdanSnoochie BoochiesFarm WifeFinished
112012-01-25 13:498 World War 3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None the regulatorTom Bombadilndaniel13chow3Rasputinhaysmike3333MinechessdanFinished
122012-01-25 13:498 Europe 1560
3 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None chessdanGogglesPizanowillije3LuieuilTom Bombadilchow3RangySubutaiFinished
132012-01-26 13:16PO,POIM WarGear Warfare 7 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game None mzungu06Snoochie BoochieschessdanMineBruniluveroFinished
142012-02-23 18:29654321 Mobs of New York 2 day turn limit No Teamplay Public Game Light Fog bard123chessdanemzgenghisFinished
152012-01-27 21:371942 Axes and Allies
(3. Player Seat Choice)
3 day turn limit Teamplay enabled Public Game None SimulGearkylewhitesoxMad Maxmzungu06chessdanTeacher DudeFinished

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